And the Earth Spoke
…true stories to inspire & awaken
as told by sentient Earth beings to Ashalyn
Sentient Earth beings are consciously aware that they are One with all of Creation, as we humans are beginning to understand. What those sentient beings shared with Ashalyn may surprise you, unless you’ve heard similar messages from them. They certainly do love you, and would love to share even more with the humans on Earth.

Ashalyn’s 3rd channeled book – 2016
There was once a time on Earth when all beings worked together in a peaceful, loving way which was the accepted norm. May “And the Earth Spoke” remind you of those times and open your eyes to the wealth of information you can accrue by communicating with sentient Earth beings.
You can read two of those poems here: The Beautiful People and Mountain’s Offer.
Ashalyn has been channeling different spirits since 1980 who have given her over 200 poems and stories that she records – exactly as she receives them. They’ve come from nature spirits, the spirit of the Earth Mother, trees, flowers, mountains, rocks, cliffs, birds fairies, trolls and even a few animals – all of whom share their thoughts about life with her. “And the Earth Spoke” is a collection of her favorites.
And the Earth Spoke, is available for purchase right here.