Adama Discourses
. . . walking the light path with intention & purpose
channeled to Ashalyn from Adama the Telosian

Ashalyn’s second channeled book
Learn about the rise and fall of ancient Lemuria, where Adama once lived, and that their ancestors now live in the city of Telos beneath Mount Shasta, as does Adama. He reminds you to live life in a loving, peaceful way that respects Earth and all sentient beings, and to value the life you’ve been given.He teaches you how to use your intuitive skills that will help you commune with your intuitive self, and discover the truth within. He leads you on guided meditations to experience the Oneness, receive healings, and experience Telosian temples and more, to raise your vibrational frequency, expand your awareness and remember truths you’ve forgotten.
He also talks about how to commune with beings from other planets, about the crystalline matrices, how to discern who’s walking the path of light path verses a path of darkness, and more. You’re all intelligent, creative beings of light, who presently live in a human body, and are able do much more than you might know. As Earth’s caretakers, there’s much you can do if you set your mind to it and invite spirit to help with your plans. What you do today influences what happens tomorrow, and affects what kind of world you leave for your children’s children.
To preview Chapter 6: Creator’s View of the World click here.
To purchase Adama Discourses click here.