The Emerald Tablets Cards of Destiny
as channeled to Ashalyn from Horlet, The Dweller

Ashalyn’s third channeled creation
Ashalyn is happy to inform you that The Emerald Tablets Cards of Destiny are available for purchase at her Shasta Vortex Adventures and on
Horlet The Dweller, Thoth’s spiritual teacher in Atlantis, channeled the Cards of Destiny to Ashalyn to assist in your awakening to the truths of All That Is. They are based on Ashalyn and Thoth’s book, The Emerald Tablets for 2012 & Beyond, and will help you to better understand some of the hard to understand concepts that are in that book.
In the Guidebook The Dweller includes details never before revealed that will help you better understand some of what The Emerald Tablets have to share. Choose one card and read the Guidebook explanation. When you focus on that card (with eyes open or closed) a potential expanded experience of its meaning awaits the sincere seeker. The cards were designed as pathways for you to follow, as you meditate on the card of your choice. Each one offers the opportunity to explore various areas of understanding and introduce you to concepts not often frequented by those in human form.
Here are a few card designs that were created by Montana artist, Arthur Herring.
The Emerald Tablets Cards of Destiny are available for purchase right here.