Quantum Healing

Jennifer (Marshall) Kairos Quantum Healing sessions Jennifer is an Interdimensional Shaman, a Celestial Soul Life Coach, a Master-Instructor in Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), and a Reiki Master. She works with the conscious, intelligent energy of the universe to...

A New Dawn Ahead

Another channeled message that came through me in the early morning hours of April 22, 2020 A few days ago I watched a video about some of the lies we’ve all been fed as truths over the years – hundreds of years, to be exact. I was incensed by the audacity of those...

To the Peaceful Forbearance of All

[This was channeled through me hours after I watched a video about lies being masked as truths about the quality of our healthcare system. It shook me to my core, and turned me into more of an activist than I usually am. Here’s the LINK to that video. The next day,...

Sorting Through the Lies

A few days ago I watched a video about some of the lies we’ve all been fed as truths over the years – hundreds of years, to be exact. [See Blog above entitled, “To the Peaceful Forbearance of All.”] I was incensed by the audacity of those who care little...

May Truth Be Spoken By All, Everywhere

I couldn’t sleep last night – Christmas Eve – so I sat up in my bed and wrote the phrases that kept repeating in my head. This is what came through me – a fitting message for the end of 2019. The voice within you wants to speak, but first you need to clear your mind....