About Ashalyn

 Ashalyn has been involved in metaphysics and the alternative healthcare field since the mid-1970s.

Ashalyn & Mount Shasta

Ashalyn has lived in Mt. Shasta since 1988, and has always had an intimate relationship with nature. She loves creating the perfect tour for her guests. Tours include learning to use your intuitive skills, doing guided meditations, energy clearing, channeling, and whatever spirit has in mind for us that day. She began guiding local sacred site tours in 1997 and created Shasta Vortex Adventures in 2003. She is also a psychic healer, reader and channel who helps people connect with their higher self, release energy blocks, get beyond their fears, remember their life purpose, and more. She’s a published author of five channeled books and a card deck, and offers Shamanic Awakening Sessions which help you connect with your personal strength, clarity and wisdom, and remember who you really are.

In July of 2022, Ashalyn’s health started to go downhill from over work and not paying enough attention to her own needs. She was then taken on an extensive personal healing journey for the next two years. In making a very long story short, she learned how to become the healthiest person she could possibly be, and with the help of multiple practitioners, friends, employees, and several others she was able to “rebuild herself.” She’s now ready to continue doing what she loves to do most, which is nurturing Shasta Vortex Adventures. Ashalyn no longer leads guided tours, but still works at Shasta Vortex where she offers her 1-hour Shamanic Awakening Sessions – in person or by phone. Her 5th channeled spiritual awakening book, is titled, “Multidimensional Reality: as Dawn Flows Forth,” and will go to press in early April 2025. She and her new Administrative Assistant, Jennifer (Marshall) Kairos, continue to do what’s needed to keep the business moving forward. Ashalyn looks forward to continuing to serve you in those capacities as time goes on. She highly recommends the expertise of her two tour guides, Dan Horton and Jennifer (Marshall) Kairos. They’re highly qualified guides who also offer individual sessions and Transformational Retreats. Ashalyn is sure you’ll enjoy spending time with them.


Mount Shasta Medicine Wheel photo taken by National Geographic in 2001

Ashalyn’s life purpose is to awaken humanity to the
expansive qualities of themselves and introduce them
to the ways in which their cooperative actions can
catapult the actions of all.

Shamanic Awakening Testimonial:
“What a great experience. My shamanic awakening with Ashalyn was exactly what I needed. She tells you what you need to hear, not what you want. Which is beautiful if you’re ready for the truth. She’s very gentle and encouraging as she helps you step into your highest self. I encourage anyone who needs that bump to give her a try. You won’t be disappointed!”
~ Jonathon Raines, July 2024

Sacred Site Tour Testimonial:
“All my expectations and intentions for the day were met, and beyond. I will take the insights and reflections of personal power gained, and am committed to using them every day. I am eternally grateful for Ashalyn’s insight and the gentle, but not so subtle pushing – that was required for me to face my fears. A life changing experience.”
~ Yvonne MoonStar, Reiki Master; San Diego, CA

 Ashalyn’s Channeled Spiritual Awakening Books

Her latest book is Multidimensional Reality: As Dawn Flows Forth. Your multidimensional self has much to share with you. Ashalyn shares what she’s learned about how to do that over the last 30+ years as a teacher, reader, healer, channel, and Sacred Site Tour Guide on sacred Mount Shasta. Say, “Hello,” to your more expansive self.

|Remember: You Are the One Who Knows, was channeled to her from Maitreya. He shares truths about spiritual awakening that he’s learned over the many years of his existence, and teaches you how to look inside yourself for truths you already know, but have forgotten.

The Emerald Tablets Cards of Destiny were channeled to Ashalyn by Horlet, The Dweller, who was the Master of Wisdom that taught about the formless in the Temple of Unal during ancient Atlantian times. The cards were designed as pathways to follow, and will also help people better understand the truths that are written in The Emerald Tablets for 2012 & Beyond.  

Ashalyn’s third book,  And the Earth Spoke: true stories to inspire & awaken, consists of 25 years worth of poems and stories she received from the nature spirits and other sentient Earth beings. They remind us of our Oneness and how important it is to connect with and honor the needs of the natural world, too.   

In Adama Discourses: walking the light path with intention & purpose, channeled by Adama the Telosian, you’ll learn about the ancient continent of Lemuria and the crystal city of Telos that exists beneath Mount Shasta. He’ll share ways to live life in a peaceful, loving, cooperative way – and more.    

“The Emerald Tablets for 2012 & Beyond”, channeled by Thoth the Atlantean asked Ashalyn to help him “rewrite Dr. M. Doreal’s Emerald Tablets book for the 21st century reader” to make it easier to read, since it was published in 1939. Its contents are just as important now as when he gave the twelve emerald tablets to the Egyptians 20,000 years ago. 

To read sample chapters of Ashalyn’s books or to purchase them, see Ashalyn.com. “You are more incredible than you know,”says Ashalyn. “It’s time to access your own expansive nature to better understand who you are and what you’re here to accomplish, so you can do that work now.”  

Listen to Ashalyn’s 4-minute National Public Radio interview about what draws spiritual seekers to sacred Mount Shasta. Aired on June 7, 2015 click here.

Watch Ashalyn’s 1.5 hour video from her presentation at Mt. Shasta’s May 2016 Wesak Celebration, where she shares some of what she’s discovered about her tour guests on their Sacred Site Tour. She also discusses her various “oversoul components,” and channels messages from Maitreya and Saint Germain. This video is a 12-minute introduction to the one above on your incredible self, which includes a channeled message from Ascended Master Saint Germain about manifesting your dreams. Watch Ashalyn’s 2012 video interview on Telos. Here she discusses the meditation journeys where she leads people into Telos, which she’s been doing  on her Sacred Site Tours since 2005.  

“You are more incredible than you know,” says Ashalyn.
“It’s time to access your own expansive nature to help you
better understand who you are and what you’re here to accomplish,
so you can start, or continue doing that work is now.”

Shasta Vortex Adventures invites you to

Come share the Mount Shasta Magic with us.”

Permitted by USFS Shasta Vortex Adventures operates under Special Use Permit from the US Forest Service, is fully insured and operates on a non-discriminatory basis.

Call Shasta Vortex Adventures at 530.926.4326 visit our office at 400 Chestnut St., Mt. Shasta, CA 96067 or email us!

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